Wholesome Parents: NCCK Parenting Conference Series

Bringing up children is one of the most honorable and satisfying engagements in life. There is no greater joy than supporting a new life to grow and achieve their greatest potential. The Bible indeed affirms this in Proverbs 17: 6

Children’s children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children.

This, however, is not the experience of many 21st Century parents in Kenya. Parenting is easily being perceived as a burdensome but inescapable responsibility to be persevered, not enjoyed.

Many parents experience bouts of uncertainty when making parental decisions, leading to a series of haphazard decisions driven by emotions. Children then exploit this situation to easily manipulate their parents. There are indeed more children parenting their parents than there are parents who are parenting their children.

As a result of the parenting crisis, the upcoming generation is manifesting a pandemic of gross indiscipline, loss of morality and ethics, rampant sexual deviance, godlessness and disrespect of parents. Romans 1: 28 – 32 warns that such are perishing quickly.

Seeking to transform lives for a just, resilient and sustainable society, the NCCK has put in place a programme to equip parents with trainings under the Wholesome Parents series. The trainings are aimed at equipping parents and prospective parents with knowledge and skills to be effective parents of the current and the future.

Wholesome Parents Training Session 1

The NCCK is proud to welcome parents and prospective parents to the first session of the Wholesome Parents Training on March 8 – 10, 2023, at Jumuia Conference and Country Home, Limuru.

Through interactive sessions, parents and prospective parents will envision the model parent and be equipped navigate parenting in the contemporary context while successfully navigating the conflict between Christianity, culture and modernity.

Topic Summaries

  1. Lets Talk about LGBTQ

The wave of normalization of LGBTQ is sweeping the globe, and Kenyans have not been spared. The thought of one’s children embracing LGBTQ orientation is a waking nightmare for modern day parents. The scare of LGBTQ has literally replaced the trepidation of sex among children. How can a parent build a healthy understanding and attitude towards sex and LGBTQ? What defenses can parents help their children build against the intense sexualization and LGBTQ-rization of messages on media, books, films and even cartoons?

  1. Who is the Parent: You or the Phone?

A child today has access to more information than a college professor had in the 1980s. Children as young as 3 years are proficient in using smart phones, some more than their parents. This has exposed them to a minefield in which many have lost their lives, figuratively and physically. Between you and the phone, who is winning the competition for your child’s attention? Is the phone influencing your child more than you?

The NCCK will equip the parents with a holistic understanding of the digital world so they can train their children to handle technology and access to information safely.

  1. Do I Measure up as a Parent?

Have you embraced your position as a parent? Due to the challenges and fears parents have, many feel inadequate and ill-equipped, leading to parental delinquency and attendant spousal and child violence. If your children were asked, would they say you measure up to their expectations? How do you rate your performance as a parent? Recognizing that a parent bequeaths on the children what they have, to what extent have you emptied your trauma-swamp?

Training Sessions

For every session, a few participants will be picked to sit as a panel in which they will share their views, and all participants will engage in plenary discussions. The moderator will guide the discussions and summarize the action points and lessons learnt. In addition, the moderator will be providing technical, legal and contextual data to inform the deliberations.



  1. This is great, being a certified psychologist I know it will facilitate learning and unlearning for betterment of parenting in the century

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